關於 Ivan


Ivan 認為現代的物流服務,尤其是有關互聯網銷售的物流,將需要變得更精細及嚴謹,才能讓客戶獲得良好的商譽及業務增長。Ivan 自行研發的倉儲管理系統讓客戶能透視了解訂單的處理狀況,相連的發貨通知系統亦能大大減輕客戶處理物流資訊及相關客戶服務所需的資源和時間。

兆運物流將繼續與 Ivan 合作發展,提供客戶更全面更高效的物流服務。

About Ivan

From his first academic degree to as the director of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Logistics Ltd., Ivan has been tied up with the logistics industry for years. More than a brilliant co-worker, he has a macro-view about a problem and the reasons behind, and follows up by taking actions to improve the efficiency by renovating systems and workflows.

Ivan eyes the needs of more fine and delicate logistics services, especially for the ever blooming e-commerce in the Asia region. He develops his own warehouse management system to accommodate a high visibility of the logistics information and an automated e-notification system to assist our clients to serve their customers with timely tracking information.

Fast Moving Consumer Goods Logistics Ltd. will continue to develop and improve with Ivan to offer a complete package of logistics service for our valued customers.